Monday, May 11, 2009

one in a billion

tongue > is the only organ that we find very hard to have congenital anomalies..since zaman dinosor lg, theres been no report cases upon tongue maldevelopment.....y?
my theory:
1- we need tongue to taste, kalo x sian la chef2...
2- we need tongue to talk, w/o tongue u cant even speak the letters rite!!
nk borak pon ssh, nk karaoke apatah lg la kan...
3- if theres food stuck between ur teeth, whos gonna free them?
of course! our wonderful tongue..:D yeah, we do have toothpick, but do u really have one in emergency
other theories, mls nk fikir~~
thank u Mr.Tongue...

3 spells:

justnid said...

So unfortunate :p

EmpreSS said...

yeah..if not, we got to study its dvlpmnt hee :p

rebana said...

soooo FORTUNATE lah. hee =D