Saturday, November 14, 2009

Housewarming for Chuck & Blair

On the day they came, I was not at home! Sad me dunno anything till the day after tomorrow at school informed by auntie Norzie. wakaka! fake name tho. Unofficially, their birth date is on 10.10.2009 , actually it's not their birthday anyway but we dunno when the real one is. Thus , we juz assumed that 10th of October, is the date when new members of ours become one of 'Farawlah'ians.

Named by a famous couple of drama series GOSSIP GIRL ; Chuck & Blair. Chuck or initial C is a brave & courage boy while B is a smart & lovely girl. They are both kittens. Not reaching their pubertal age of 5 months yet, methinkso. HAHA! well the WIKI said that.

Since that day, Chuck & Blair brighten our days, every day, every week! But seriously, they cost us lots of money for maintenance like food and litter box filler.

WELCOME to our not so new members! :) We love you.

5 spells:

sorceress said...

klu i perkenalkn dorang kt anyone:

Chuck nih bangang & bengap sket.

Blair nih gedik just like her 'mummy'

[at this time of writing : they're sleeping in my closet. huh.]

Lady_Queen said...

cet kau ! i kan mummy yg baek ati lg sopan santun. msti la i kenalkn dorg yg baek2 je. yg buruk2 tu i tolak tepi. tu nk suh u plak hupdate. berhabuk sgt dh blog nih. siyesly y r they sleeping in ur closet lately?! ko racun dorg eh?

sorceress said...

sbb keburukan tuh lah i sayang lepa =P

ak xde bnde nk update di sini. sekian.

bilik aku kn selesa lg nyaman. akakaka

EmpreSS said...

excuse me..ur room is like a jungle ok..n btw, chuck is my golden kitty.. i love chuck 2,3 times more than blair...

Skinny Legs said...

Awww...met Chuck and blair. I want one! Exactly like them! Demand neh :P