Saturday, May 30, 2009

Secrets Overrated

Promoting a promotion

Ms. buNNy nk pelekat huruf jawi --> mintak kat pak cik kdai --> dia bwk masuk office --> sambil2 me ask HTC pricelist --> Secret disclosed --> Only-today-offer --> from 535jd to 290jd --> HTC touch dual--> 400MHz tuhh + Interface cun, as expected from HTC + Coool MobiDiv thingy esp. the XMS but sadly, no Wi-Fi (anyway, sini bknnye bleh access wireless sngt so no kisah la)

Me asked pak cik kdai , "Why it's a secret?"
Dia, "I don't know"
Me, dlm otak, 'bengkekkk..'
He, "That Lenovo outside has the same offer too, from [I can't remeber]jd to 290j"
Me, "Wow"
He, "But it's a secret tooo"
Me, "Heh, OKAY!!"

(bleh rujuk pak cik kdai tuh utk maklumat lnjut :p)

So abih queen belek2 itu phone --> she was impress :p --> trus p cucuk duit --> nk suh queen hold-on dulu tp nih 'only-today-offer' plak, hampeh!! Oh well, bak kata ayah saya, "the truth is, in the gadget world u never win..."

Dalam masa menunggu Htc-owner-to-be amik duit, pak cik tuh telah membocorkan banyakk lg rahsia yg ak x mampu nk ingt xleh la bgtau kn, cmtuh x jd la secret :p kan kan akakaka

[Take note : Buat non-Jordanian, klu beli barang gini2 jgn lupe mintak invoice etc, so nnt bleh claim cukai]

Later on, the new member of the house arrived home, ak yg batak lebeyh :p ....amik satu malam nk configure itu touch dual (tuannya dh selamat beradu) the end, alhamdulillah, smuanya 'successful' belaka, agak lembap ak nk memahami WM6 nih..cnggih la katekan :p

Papun, surprised to find out that my
rw6828 rated higher than this Touch Dual. At least bleh la ak nk bangga2 sket :) wpun modal cm aknye dh xde kat store msia :( jenuh nk carik spare part..ebay shjalah harapan ak :p alasan! Anyway anyhow, I'm gonna (h) my rw6828 forever & ever, esp. having spb MS working soo fine & cool on it :))))) <-- senyum tebal

RT @peterpetrelli1: Tip of 'my every'day: Never ever tell Sylar he's cute, unless you want a new headcut (edited)

Writing powered by : R2R One Step Closer


p/s thanx queen blanja pizza :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Story I

On September 11..... 2006 ok!

Arrived in Bangkok. Makan serunding je tym transit. Kasihan?!!! Semua serbu money changer gara-gara mahu menelefon family yg baru ditinggalkan tak sampai 2 jam pn. Bwekkks~ Gelabah ar korang! (haha cakap ngan cermin). Kita org merayau2 macam tiada hala tuju. Ni En. Khairil ngan Kak Sri la ni, tak nak anta kita org. Semua dependant antara kami2 je. Siap sesat bagai.

Dalam flight sebelum meninggalkan Bangkok, ada budak tuh siap cakap lg,
"Wah, THAILAND pn anta student overseas ek! BAGUS2", referring to some people not knowing they're Malaysians. True story : a bunch of JPA students had been 'un'-accidentally left behind by their fellow friends! Ni baru kasihan................

15 minutes after we seated in Boeing what so ever milik RJ, flight terus berlepas maksudnya?!!! Kami lah org paling last boarding. Nasib baik sempat naik, alhamdulillah. Tak dapat bayangkan kena tinggal macam mereka, who shouldn't be named.

Off light jer, semua tidur kepenatan. Tapi..... Ha ada tapi tuh..... Adalah kan somebody nih terjerit2 tgk hantu pop-up kat laptop screen. Last2 kena sound ngan pakcik sebelah. Haha padan muka!!!

-To be continued-

Yoda Apprentice!

Korang dh tengok Star Trek? Ak blom. X sabar nk tgk Spock a.k.a Sylar :P
Bleh je nk tgk skang. Tp takut terlebih angau nnt. Coz 4hb Jun dah start final.....
Selamat selamat Manusia2 seangkatan!!
Pray for us as we'll pray for you too InsyaAllah :)
Together for the Living, We Must Fight!!!!!

p/s semoga bdk tuh cpat sembuh!!! ameen

Friday, May 22, 2009

celebrate originality

RT @aplusk : Beckham vs Kevin Garnett

Adoption :p

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Pic Says It All

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

One fine day......

Tiba2 dapat emel... BUZZZZED!

Msg PENTING drp MBC disampaikan melalui MSD terus kpd PERMAI. [xleh keluar jordan].
TERKESIMA sambil baca tajuk berulang kali. BIAR BETOL!!!!!!!!!!!

disini ade sedikit makluman bahawasanya kedutaan melalui perantara msd melarang semua pelajar untuk keluar negara disebabkan selsema babi yang menggila pada ketika ini.....

ini bertujuan untuk mengelak diri kita daripada dijangkiti selsema tersebut.....

jika terdapat apa-apa kes kecemasan harap dapat menghubungi terus ............ atau ............. ye anak2.

arahan telah berkuat kuasa sehingga satu tarikh yang akan diberitahu kemudian...

maka duduk-duduk je kat rumah baca buku ye anak2.....semoga semua score @ naik tahun @ khirij ngan tenang @ xjatuh muaddal....sila jaga hubungan ngan Allah.....


Ok. Hangat terus topik ni dibicirakan kat permai yahoogroup. LOL.
Terasa cam nak tergelak pun ada. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ada ke patut!
Walhal Dr. Ziyad baru je ulas pasal SWiNE FLU dalam kelas microb semalam.
Dr. pun tak halang kita semua travel. WHO pun tak wat sekatan global! Mak ayah pun dah bagi greenlight nak travel. KENAPA MBC 'quarantine'kan dak2 JORDAN?!

Huhu mesti ada yang bersuara..................... [rekaan semata2]
"Ini semua suratan takdir, jgn melawan ketentuan Tuhan. Semua yg dirancang untuk kebaikan kita semua. Terimalah seadanya"

Erm ok fine. Tiba2 dpt EMEL ke berapa tah. Yela kan dorang sibuk duk mereply emel kontroversi PERMAI tuh. Tapi ada la lebih kurang camni...............

semua xleh keluar jordan melainkan yang nk balik malaysia....baru call td .............sebab dia kata biler korang sampai sana memang korang akan kena kuarantin(ala mcm sebelum lawan debat tuh)........ .so selain malaysia adelah dilarang...dan larangan adelah sehingga tarikh yang diberitahu.. ..

yang pergi umrah plak kena tunggu n lihat mcm mana keadaan masa bulan 6 tuh....kalo ok...maka segala ijraat leh je wat skang...iAllah ade rezeki....untuk pengetahuan malaysia dah xkuarkan visa umrah dari malaysia n untuk pelajar malaysia di mesir pada waktu ini...maka berdoalah supaya kita dapat ye anak2.....

tambahan dari ..............'nak pergi europe lagilah xboleh'.....

maka..yang dah beli tiket nk balik mesia tuh jgn nk cancel tiket plak.....

APE KES! Kenapa dak2 nak balik Msia lepas lak. Walhal nanti dorg transit kat tempat yg kebarangkalian tinggi jugak la nak encounter dengan SWiNE FLU punya carrier. Berasap jugak la bila baca part 'nak pergi europe lagilah xboleh'..... MAK AIH! Spesifik tuh!

Ok malas nak ulas. Just having fun posting this entry. NO HARD FEELINGS YA.

Friday, May 15, 2009

1 pergi 4 datang

After Asr,
Salwa & Nea'ma came
They couldn't stay long :(
Great time
Limited chat
Hoping they'll come again in the future :)

After Maghrib,

Lady Ku arrived
in Red :p
Story-telling session :)
Owh yes, she has a blog too
[I'll send you my account no. later Ku :p]

After Isya',

Got Lady Ku to make side dish [evil grin]

Lady Queen departed
She was so excited
Can exactly know why :p [suka la tuh 2x]

Empress showed up from Nowhere
And then went back again to Nowhere
but this time to "jemput" Puteri Nisah [royal invitation]
Infanta Ninah turned down the invitation :( [rugi rugi]


Rating : 5 Stars
[but am still gonna stick to Sylar :p]

Next Time Around Human
Hasta la vista

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Credit card - Citibank needs more than a bailout

Cancel your credit card before you die......... ..(hilarious! )
Now some people are really stupid!!!!
Be sure and cancel your credit cards before you die.

This is so priceless, and so, so easy to see happening, customer service being what it is today.

A lady died this past January, and Citibank billed her for February and March for their annual service charges on her credit card, and added latefees and interest on the monthly charge. The balance had been $0.00 when she died, but now somewhere around $60.00. A family member placed a call to Citibank.

Here is the exchange :

Family Member: 'I am calling to tell you she died back in January.'

Citibank: 'The account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply.'

Family Member: 'Maybe, you should turn it over to collections. '

Citibank: 'Since it is two months past due, it already has been.'

Family Member: So, what will they do when they find out she is dead?'

Citibank: 'Either report her account to frauds division or report her to the credit bureau, maybe both!'

Family Member: 'Do you think God will be mad at her?'

Citibank: 'Excuse me?'

Family Member: 'Did you just get what I was telling you - the part about her being dead?'

Citibank: 'Sir, you'll have to speak to my supervisor.'

Supervisor gets on the phone:

Family Member: 'I'm calling to tell you, she died back in January with a $0 balance.'

Citibank: 'The account was never closed and late fees and charges still apply.'

Family Member: 'You mean you want to collect from her estate?'

Citibank: (Stammer) 'Are you her lawyer?'

Family Member: 'No, I'm her great nephew.'
(Lawyer info was given)

Citibank: 'Could you fax us a certificate of death?'

Family Member: 'Sure.'
(Fax number was given )

After they get the fax :

Citibank: 'Our system just isn't setup for death. I don't know what more I can do to help.'

Family Member: 'Well, if you figure it out, great! If not, you could just keep billing her. She won't care.'

Citibank: 'Well, the late fees and charges will still apply.'

(What is wrong with these people?!?)

Family Member: 'Would you like her new billing address?'

Citibank: 'That might help...'

Family Member: ' Odessa Memorial Cemetery , Highway 129, Plot Number 69.'

Citibank: 'Sir, that's a cemetery!'

Family Member:'And what do you do with dead people on your planet???'

(Priceless!! )
You wonder why Citi is going broke and need the feds to bail them out!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

War is about to begin...

Dear Queen,

Did you know, Your Highness, that an Empress ranked higher than a Queen? Or you seemed to know about this fact beforehand. So that now you know, as a reminder, all orders of the Empress must be accomplished full with responsbility, honesty & most important, loyalty. As long as you pay your taxes, take care of your King (if you're a queen consort), your Kingdom etc, I believed the Empress will have no desired to preside over you & your people!

Ooops, not just the Empress you must impress, but the Maharani must be given the same attitude too since both Empress & Maharani are parity in nobility. I'm not sure about the Empress but I'm indeed a Maharani Regnant. So beware 'Your Highness', you might want to send me Strawberry shortcakes every month so that I will do no harm to your precious followers and of course, your King :p. You don't need to send your equestrian since I accept FedEx ngeh3.

Any chances of becoming peers with the Empress & the Maharani? You might want to win the heart of a Shahanshah or Khakhan. They're married? oh no worry, you can simply become their concubine for a while. In the meantime, you can use all kinds of registered "Witches' Potion" to get rid of the official companion of Shahanshah or Khakhan [secret no 1 : the Maharani have loads of Potion, you can get 2.5% cut since you've been good to the Maharani]. You can't do it illegally cause you don't want to end up in the oubliette, do you? Can't help you if that happened [Secret no 2: the Maharani has money crisis, so it might be hard to bail you out :)].

Best of luck Lady Queen although I know what thoughts you have in mind [which is : "Whatsoever, I'm the most beautiful with the perfect bod, & both of you are nothing to be compared with me. I'm still the most outstanding ruler among you all"]. Dah tau darjat still nk bongkak ye!! :p Any other monarch yang nak masuk campur?!! Jom kita lawan Uno, sapa menang dia paling Power!!! akakakakakkakakaka [a Witch's laugh].

p/s Should I be declaring War rite now?

Love letters from the Maharani.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Strawberry Shortcake

To be honest! I really hate blogging. I mean I don't like posting an entry, but I love to visit others blog sites. Looks like I'm very surprised having this blog for the 1st time in my life.

Ooh strawberries, I'm looking forward to this coming 17th of June.......

Watch Out for 'Sound of a Rebel'

Am not a true fan but listening to their music is something every Muslims can be proud off :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

one in a billion

tongue > is the only organ that we find very hard to have congenital anomalies..since zaman dinosor lg, theres been no report cases upon tongue maldevelopment.....y?
my theory:
1- we need tongue to taste, kalo x sian la chef2...
2- we need tongue to talk, w/o tongue u cant even speak the letters rite!!
nk borak pon ssh, nk karaoke apatah lg la kan...
3- if theres food stuck between ur teeth, whos gonna free them?
of course! our wonderful tongue..:D yeah, we do have toothpick, but do u really have one in emergency
other theories, mls nk fikir~~
thank u Mr.Tongue...

At last...

A 'friend of mine' send her computer for me to have a look. Her computer was experiencing that blue screen of death (BSOD), so I guess reformating was the only solution [is it? :p]. As usual, I would load the XP cd installer, follow the steps and bla bla bla until to my surprise this screen came out.

Surprise la sangat :p coz actually it wasn't my 1st time facing such situation. 1st time it happened, I consulted with ayah. He said I'll be needing a floppy disk. What, a floppy disk??? Urghh, who have it anyway these days?!! Nak antar g kdai, M.A.L.A.S. So, how did I handle this kind of problem before this. Easy breezy, I would just call the owner and everything goes like "Salam Rokiah (bukan nama sebenar), computer awak x dpt detect hdisk la, so agak mustahil tuk install XP, tapiiii klu Vista no hal, bleh go on reformat mcm besa. Itupun klu awak nk gn Vista la. Klu x sy terpaksa antar kdai jela :p". That's how it goes & most of them usually just agree to go on with the Vista thingy.

I did the same with this 'friend of mine'. I called her, hoping that she would just agree with Vista. But no, she said she wanna stick to XP :(. Oh well, can't force people to agree with you all the time rite! I told her that I would find alternatives otherwise I'll just have to send it to 'pak cik angkat' :p. So I got myself googling all morning to find a way out. Until I found
this site.

Man, it was a relief!! That dude is a freaking geek!! And nLite is truly a magical tool [and free :p]. I couldn't thank more although there were some failure through the steps [my bad], but the rest went smooth & steady. Yeah yeah, I know thousands of you already figured this thing decades ago, but well, saya budak masih blajar :p .
Tak salah to be proud of myself once in a while ait ;)? & Never to forget, Alhamdulillah!!
So, I solved one of the problems in my life, how bout you?!! Good Luck Human.



Friday, May 8, 2009

shopping spreee

hehe...yesterday , we went shopping at shukr..
MAHARANI wasted like 80 jd, QUEEN 107 jd n EMPRESS 60 jd..
and da winner goes 2 our lady QUEEN..

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

witches r born

hi world...